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Lotura XXXII

    In the below work, Lotura XXXII, recalling the steel industry that built Bilbao’s greatness, stands as an iconic symbol sounding as a First Nations totem pole.… Read More »Lotura XXXII


      Confronting the absolute objectivity of sophisticated measurements to the inherent subjectivity of human behavior translates here into a deconstruction-reconstruction process of the mapping.  At D0,… Read More »Itaperuna

      La Défense

        The below work questions the way rurality could become integrated into urbanity, enabling to rebalance the exclusions derived from a “selective green-washing” urbanism. At D0,… Read More »La Défense


          The below work is inspired by a series of pictures taken on the site “Les grands voisins”, Paris. The word “dé-composer” (to de-compose) painted on… Read More »DE-COMPOSER