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Smart city.

    Is there any chance to escape urban data? The answer is simply no. Why? Because we are the data. We consume data, we create data,… Read More »Smart city.


      The below work is inspired by a series of pictures taken on the site “Les grands voisins”, Paris. The word “dé-composer” (to de-compose) painted on… Read More »DE-COMPOSER


        This photographic montage underlines the critical contribution of local decision makers to enhance urban resilience in favor of communities lacking the cultural capital, as defined… Read More »Katrina


          Katrina was one of the most destructive natural disasters (*) to strike the US. The reasons of the malfunctions which turned the city into chaos… Read More »Katrina


            Can urban resilience be implemented in case of widespread destructions? At D0, two iconic symbols, a Le Corbusier building and the Golden Gate bridge are… Read More »Shakes(*).


              Urban space complexity increases. The adaptation to our environment is vital but in the same time it may hurt our cultural, philosophical and religious beliefs.… Read More »Interface.
